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Abstracts can only be submitted online.

Abstracts must be submitted in Turkish and English.

Abstracts will be accepted only as on-line from the web page of the congress. Faxed and mail abstracts are not acceptable. If you do need help with your login / in order to submit an abstract, please contact with the organization secretariat

Guidelines for Submitted Abstracts:

  • Author's details: include full mailing address, mobile phone number and email address of presenting author, as well as affiliation details of all co-authors. By submitting the abstract, you confirm consent of all co-authors to provide their data.
  • They should be as informative as possible:
  • State specific object of study
  • Summaries results obtained
  • State method used if pertinent
  • State conclusions reached
  • They should be structured and with the subheadings Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
  • Abstract text must not exceed 300 words; heading maximum of 30 words.
  • Heading will be in capital letters.
  • Authors should include their presentation preference: Poster/oral/poster or oral. The PC have final decision on the method of presentation.
  • A maximum of 3 abstracts per presenting author may be submitted.
  • After having submitted your abstract, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with your abstract confirmation and personal address. If you do not receive a confirmation by e-mail, please contact
  • The corresponding author is responsible for informing other authors about the status of the abstract. Should you wish to make corrections to an abstract already submitted or if you wish to submit other abstracts later, you may use your personal access codes. Corrections to abstracts can only be made until 13 April 2025. Please note that after final submission the content of your abstract cannot be modified or corrected and that it will be published exactly as submitted.